

Where to begin on such a huge subject? My wife told me that I needed to write about something happy so I figured what better way than to write about the joys of friendship that relates to parenthood and marriage.
It always happens. You get married and you have “friends” that disappear. Even more so it seems when you have kids. There seems to be myth that when you have kids that you have a life sentence. No more going out. No fun. No hanging out with your friends. All gone! Of course most of your time is spent caring for your little ones, as it should be, but there is no reason to just fall off the face of the earth. Luckily this has been the exact opposite of my friends. They have become more loyal and have risen to the occasion of being a part of my daughter’s life.
My close group of friends is very large and extremely diverse. Which I think may be the best part. I think it’s great when you have friends that are all different shades of the human color spectrum but even more so as a parent. I think it’s a great way to show kids that there all different types of people in the world with different backgrounds.
I’d be remiss if I didn’t talk about the generosity of the friends that I have. The high quality of people who are in my life that have huge giving hearts are second to none. Without going into specifics of the generosity let’s just say it ranges from a shot of good whiskey to a car. Humbled is just one of the ways I feel to have the friends I do. Sometimes in return all I can give is my deep appreciations do undying loyalty. I’d step in harm’s way for any one of my friends. My friends do so much for my family and we are forever indebted to them.
I could go on and on about how awesome they are but I don’t want to bore everyone else. I just wanted to make my voice heard in a public forum an express my gratitude for their kindness, generosity, and just general awesomeness.
So from my wife, baby and I with all our hearts,
Thank you.
We love you all!


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